Have you noticed the trend that single family homes are being built smaller than in the past? There are many reasons why this is so, but rather than focus on the "why" we want to answer the "how". As in , "how am I going to fit all my stuff in here?"
We've all heard the expression, less is more, which makes a good mantra when downsizing. Accept that you will need to let go of some items. Choose the most special and most functional items to keep. Offer items with sentimental value to others who may appreciate them. Donate gently used items to charity.
Once you have thinned out your items, it is time to figure out how to decorate the smaller home. Here are some tips:
- Leave open space and allow light to filter through. There is no need to fill every inch of space with furniture, pictures, or accent pieces. If the room is overfilled, it will feel smaller. Spread the items out and it gives the room a larger, more open feel.
- Choose simple window hangings. Large heavy draperies cut off light from entering the room and take up space.
- Look for streamlined furniture rather than oversized and bulky.
- Bright colors and bold patterns will do well in a room that is not overcrowded allowing your personality and style to come through.
- Reflective surfaces add the feeling of extra space as well. Mirrors, gold, silver, crystal are all good choices for accent pieces.
The expert designers at Marc Williams Furniture can help choose the best pieces, colors, and patterns to create a comfortable living space in a smaller sized home. Give us a call to set an appointment!
As warm weather turns cooler, we look forward to the bold colors of Autumn. People make pilgrimages to New England or take long drives in the country just to take in the magnificent view of color. The Fall season is a great time of year to be inspired by color and choose color themes for your home.
Here are a few ways to find your color inspiration in your daily life:
- As we have already mentioned, just looking out your window or stepping out your door will soon provide you with a plethora of colors. Bring a collection of different colored leaves indoors and see which ones catch your eye most often.
- Take notice of the colors people around you are wearing and make a mental note of the ones you like.
- Color is everywhere. Rooms you enter, cars on the road, artwork, fabrics, foods. Take notice of it all. Soon you will see a pattern develop of the colors you gravitate towards most often.
- Which colors do you move towards when you want to relax? When you need to be energized? When you need to focus and concentrate on tasks?
Noticing the colors around you and answering the above questions can help you choose colors for the functions of the different rooms in your home. The design experts at Marc Williams Furniture can help you create the perfect color oasis for your home!